Disguised depression
Masked (latent) depression is a depression hidden behind various signs characteristic of a number of somatic (physical) diseases and a number of addictions ( including non-chemical). At the same time, the very decrease in mood often proceeds imperceptibly.
Latent depression is confirmed where there is a painful reaction of a person to rejection by society (or specific individuals) of any of his actions, thoughts, and activities. A patient with latent depression experiences discomfort from the realization that certain moments of his life may cause disapproval of others.
We ordinary people from time to time there are critical thoughts about himself. However, if you constantly return to them, it can lead to depression.
It often accompanies:
- drug and alcohol addiction,
- increased blood pressure,
- diseases of the liver, adrenal glands and thyroid gland,
- viral infections (even with flu).
Symptoms of masked depression
- melancholy,
- yearning,
- sadness,
- depressed mood
- laziness,
- mental pain
- emotional dullness
- anger,
- alienation,
- feelings of guilt, self-blame,
- apathy,
- persistent pessimism,
- obsessive and suicidal thoughts, including those carefully hidden from others.
Diagnostic features
Depression can take many different forms, such as:
- gambling addiction (especially common among young people),
- painful irresistible addiction to food (or, conversely, aversion to food), erotic films, profanity,
- manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract (bear disease, sudden psychogenic constipation and diarrhea),
- back pain ( combined with persistent disappointment in someone or something),
- chronic fatigue,
- various sleep disorders, etc.
Only a specialist can distinguish ( differentiate ) depression from another condition.
Support from others under the supervision of an experienced doctor is a reliable guarantee of a successful cure for depression, including latent depression . Often a loved one worries about a relative who is depressed. Group peer support is an effective way of rehabilitation. The patient himself, informed about the causes of the disease and the ways to eliminate it, effectively turns on the mechanisms of self-regulation . Keeping a diary, purposeful search for new friends with the same interests, returning to old acquaintances who remember him when he was not yet sick is especially helpful . It is very important to learn to have only reasonable expectations and to be able to deal with disappointments. A depressed patient cannot be told, “You will be fine, ” but other words of support should be found . Many “standard” phrases should be pronounced differently, in which a specialist consultation will help the loved ones of a depressed patient.
Features of the treatment of latent depression
Even conventional psychotherapy (without the use of drugs) helps about three quarters of depressed patients . The ability to fully rest and relax will be taught by group sessions of psychotherapy. Modern drugs of this pharmacological group do not cause drowsiness, dependence or addiction. They are adapted for long-term use. It is believed that depression is treated exactly as long as it has formed.
In the case of using complex methods, as a rule, two to three months are enough for the patient to become a full-fledged member of society again.