Modern treatments for depression
Depression is difficult to treat with pharmaceuticals alone, so scientists are studying the effectiveness of red and infrared radiation ( photobiomodulation ) for treating underlying depressive disorder.
The first data showed a good effect on not only depression, but also suicidal thoughts, the consequences of brain trauma.
The method is also relatively inexpensive and can be widely used. It is safe. And patients tolerate it well. Research into the effect of infrared radiation on inflammation, neurogenesis, oxidative stress, and neurotransmitter metabolism has emerged. The devices use near infrared NIR light with a wavelength of 760-1440 nm . HE penetrates into tissues and can be used to treat muscle pain, headaches, neuropathic pain.
Transcranial light therapy is not a new treatment. It was previously used in stroke therapy to reduce the area of damage and repair tissue.
In depression, there is a decrease in metabolism, which leads to mood disorders. There is also an imbalance of glucose and metabolic defects in the amygdala, hippocampus , anterior cingulate gyrus, inferior parietal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. When exposed to red light, there is an increase in regional blood flow and a positive effect on brain metabolism. This reduces the manifestation of depression. Raison et al found that proinflammatory cytokines induce depressive disorders by inhibiting hippocampal neurogenesis . Interleukin 6 is also involved in the pathogenesis of depression and provokes suicide attempts. Therefore, the anti-inflammatory effect of transcranial infrared radiation will help cure depression.
Infrared radiation also reduces oxidative stress, enhances neurogenesis, ATP synthesis, and reduces apoptosis. In the not too distant future, photobiomodulation will become the mainstay of treatment for major depressive disorder.