Depression is difficult to treat with pharmaceuticals alone, so scientists are studying the effectiveness of red and infrared radiation ( photobiomodulation ) for treating underlying depressive disorder.
In the modern world, 110 million people suffer from depression. The number of patients is predicted to increase in the next 10 years, and the trend
Antipsychotic medications are used to treat bipolar disorder and the depressive phase in bipolar disorder. Their use is justified, since in 50% of patients psychotic symptoms
A group of drugs related to tricyclic antidepressants is effective in the treatment of depression. Side effects of their use are: increased action of anticholinergics , increased
There are various classifications of antidepressant drugs: · Historical classification; · Pharmacological classification; · Clinical classification. The most convenient classification of antidepressants is the clinical separation of drugs
The drugs of choice in the treatment of depression are normotimics . This group of pharmacological drugs consists of: · Lamotrigine ; · Sodium valproate ; · Lithium carbonate; · Carbamezepine . These drugs have an antidepressant effect,
In the treatment of depressive disorders with antidepressants, it is necessary to differentiate between the various forms of depression. And in accordance with this, prescribe this
The modern level of brain research has made it possible to find the causes of many neurological and mental diseases in the violation of the