We publish a list of five of the most unusual mental disorders that prove that strange things happen to people not only in films, and the fantasies of writers and directors
Something went wrong in March-April 2018 . We ‘ve had a painful attachment to a married man much older than me, I have a lot of work, and wages long paid. So I started to walk
For panic attacks (or panic disorder) there is still no cure and even unambiguous methods of dealing with attacks – each person is forced to experimentally look for his
An overview of all methods of diagnosing functional mental illnesses (schizophrenia, depression, and others) from Doctor of Medical Sciences Irina Valentinovna Shcherbakova. The most important stage in
Irina Sergeevna Krailina, a psychotherapist with more than 14 years of experience, tells about effective methods of self-help for panic attacks, how they work, and the role of psychotherapy . A person who has experienced
Focal cryptogenic epilepsy is a neuropsychiatric pathology, rarely accompanied by generalized seizures, since the area of neuronal excitation (focus) is limited to one hemisphere. The
Encephalopathy of the brain in the elderly develops for a number of reasons, due to which the blood vessels are narrowed, and symptoms of oxygen
The diagnosis of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) of the mixed type is made in adults and children when a mass of symptoms are identified that are
Separately, VSD in the international classification of diseases 10 revision (soon to be 11) does not occur. Due to the peculiarities of the symptomatology, such disorders are more
Venous encephalopathy is a secondary brain disease that occurs against the background of damage to the circulatory system of the body. Due to a violation of