
VSD and neurosis

Separately, VSD in the international classification of diseases 10 revision (soon to be 11) does not occur. Due to the peculiarities of the symptomatology, such disorders are more correctly classified as neuroses.  

Among physicians of the post-Soviet space, deviations of a neurotic nature are considered a factor provoking a disorder in the regulation of the internal systems of the body. Out of habit, this phenomenon is called vascular dystonia. Requires additional examination by doctors of different profiles and appropriate treatment.

Before the appointment of therapy, the selection of effective techniques, a specific type of neurosis is necessarily established. Treatment of VSD without the intervention of a psychologist rarely ends with a stable positive result.

Causes of pathologies

Neuroses arise due to overly intense work of the nervous system, regular overload, severe physical and psychological fatigue. The reasons for such conditions, as well as the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, are in the wrong, uncomfortable environment, excessive stress on the human body.

The reasons for the onset of symptoms of neurosis and VSD in women and men are the same:

  1. overload with negative information, which causes a strong emotional response in a person, is typical for middle-aged and elderly people;
  2. overestimated requirements of society, the environment of a person, a strong desire to comply with them;
  1. living in unfavorable conditions: domestic violence, physical or psychological aggression of the environment, alcoholism;
  2. birth of a child;
  3. a bright flash of negative or positive emotions;
  4. the need for protection without the ability to realize it;
  5. desire for recognition, vanity;
  6. lack of relaxation skills, a person deeply accepts stressful situations, cannot “let go”;
  7. the inability to meet basic needs: housing, work, finances, necessary rest.

Unlike pure VSD, neurosis is not inherited; weakness of neuroendocrine regulatory mechanisms, which break down during overload, can be inherited.

A mental disorder can develop if a person is in destructive circumstances for a long time.

Types of neurosis with VSD

VVD neuroses are common and require treatment. But in order for the prescribed procedures and medications to be effective, it is first necessary to establish the type of neurasthenic personality disorder in the patient.

Modern researchers distinguish:

  • Psychasthenia, weak mental stability. A person is fixated on negative thoughts, cannot get rid of them. Gradually, they develop into obsessions. One of the most dangerous is the thought of the seriousness and mortality of the condition. Although the symptoms that manifest vegetative dystonia are low-risk.  
  • Hysterical disorders. They are characterized by sharp, paroxysmal outbursts of emotions, often without the slightest reason. The patient winds himself up, promotes a negative attitude, then at the moment of exacerbation of other symptoms, a sudden explosion occurs. The emotional peak is short in time, the person quickly calms down on his own. More common in women, accompanied by a headache.
  • Depressive, depressed. The state of depression is very often accompanied by VSD, intensifying over time. A person feels unreasonable psychological, physical fatigue. The constant feeling of emptiness leads to increased tearfulness, the desire to complain about the smallest troubles, to focus on them. Gradually, a person begins to believe that he is not needed by anyone, not interesting, he himself is not able to achieve anything. In a neglected form, thoughts of suicide appear. Acute depression is a variant of neurosis that requires medication. 
  • Asthenic type. The mood changes sharply in a negative way, irritability increases. The patient is constantly haunted by fatigue, which interferes with performing even the usual daily activities. Lack of energy, feeling unwell lead to new outbursts of irritability.

To identify a specific type of neurasthenia against the background of VSD, additional consultations with a psychologist are required, who will establish a deviation from the norm, prescribe the drugs necessary for stabilization.


The picture of symptoms with a combination of neurotic disorders and vegetative-vascular dystonia is extremely diverse. Without special studies, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on external manifestations alone.

All symptoms of VSD and neurosis are divided into physical and psychological.

Physical (somatic) manifestations:

  1. frequent headaches;
  2. increase, decrease in blood pressure without external causes;
  3. increased sweating;
  4. tachycardia, extrasystoles;
  5. pain in the region of the heart;
  6. problems in the digestive tract, nausea;
  7. attacks of weakness, unsatisfactory performance even with regular rest.

Psychological symptoms of a pathological condition are:

  1. increased aggressiveness;
  2. panic attacks;
  3. unexplained fear, obsessive thoughts;
  4. tearfulness;
  5. sudden changes in mood;
  6. indecision, lack of initiative;

The initial stages are not always pronounced. But on the other hand, it is easier for such a person to help when the crisis is just brewing. If the moment is missed, neurosis transforms into psychosis – a much more severe mental disorder.

Particular attention should be paid precisely to changes in a person’s character. Especially if they appear suddenly, without any external reason for this. After all, it can be, for example, an acute attack of depression. 

How to treat?

The neurosis that has developed against the background of VSD requires careful diagnosis, complex treatment, built according to an algorithm, taking into account the psychological and physical characteristics of a particular patient.

At the first examination, more attention is paid by the therapist to physical manifestations. Later, after consulting a psychiatrist, a general direction of treatment is developed.

In most cases not neglected, to get rid of a depressing disease, it is enough to remove the reasons. Get rid of depressing external factors, change your lifestyle.

After the first visit, your doctor will likely recommend:

  • go on vacation;
  • be in the fresh air more often, take long walks;
  • change the diet to a balanced diet; 
  • if necessary – change housing, place of work;
  • do light exercise.

In more complex cases, the following are assigned:

  1. Medicines. Antidepressants improve the psychological state, and drugs that stabilize the work of the heart and blood vessels reduce the frequency of physical manifestations.
  2. Physiotherapy, reflexology. Various methods are used to influence the body in a complex way: bioresonance therapy, vortex fields, reflexology, exercise therapy, massages and self-massage.
  3. Psychotherapeutic sessions. Moreover, the methods of psychotherapy are used not only for neuroses, but also for a single manifestation of the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia, since its causes also often lie in the external features of life.
  4. Reception of multivitamin complexes.

Passing the full course of treatment will give lasting results only if after it the person will forever change their lifestyle to a healthier, balanced one.

An integrated approach to the treatment of disorders of nervous activity shows excellent results . Especially if the visit to the doctor took place at the initial stage of the process. 

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