
Recurrent (periodic) schizophrenia

Intermittent or recurrent schizophrenia refers to a more benign form of this mental illness. Since in the course of acute attacks there are gaps of absolutely adequate perception of the environment. Symptoms may be absent for several weeks or even months, after which the signs of schizophrenia reappear .

The course of recurrent schizophrenia is characterized by non-cardinal personality changes. The patient is conscious, perceives his personality and others. Psychologists and neurologists point to the partial identity of periodic and sluggish schizophrenia.

Regardless of the form of this mental illness, doctors insist on a timely examination and an accelerated start of rehabilitation. Since even periodic schizophrenia is not amenable to complex cure. You can only partially get rid of the symptoms and facilitate the life of a sick person. Therefore, when you find the first signs of deviation in yourself or a loved one, you should immediately take the help of a qualified psychiatrist. The Korsakov Clinic has already developed a practice of successfully diagnosing recurrent schizophrenia and quality rehabilitation.

Symptoms of periodic schizophrenia

The main sign of the development of this mental deviation is the emergence of delusional impracticable ideas. At the same time, a person can adequately perceive the environment, albeit with a certain apathy, low mood or self-condemnation. Often there are manic moods, when apathy intersects with a sharp emotional arousal. Additional symptoms are expressed in insomnia, groundless anxiety or even overexcitation.

Recurrent schizophrenia usually occurs in episodes. In the early stages, a good, elated mood is accompanied by depression and apathy. After the alternation of the emotional state, crazy ideas or even unexpressed hallucinations begin to appear. In such cases, some words, phrases or thoughts can be fully understood only by the patient himself, but not by his environment.

In moments of exacerbation of the attack, the human body can freeze in one position. This is usually accompanied by hallucinogenic visions and clouding of consciousness (briefly). After the active phase, regression occurs again and the sequence is repeated after some time.

How is recurrent schizophrenia treated?

Signs of emotional overexcitation and moral oppression can be suppressed by neuroleptics of certain groups. Specialists, depending on the complexity of the situation, prescribe haloperidol, triftazin , truxal or rispolept . As an aid, antidepressants may be prescribed, including fluvoxamine , paroxetine . The choice of a particular drug depends on what symptoms are characteristic of the patient: anxiety, panic, or, conversely, emotional arousal.

If you start a course of treatment in a timely manner, you can get rid of most of the signs of recurrent schizophrenia. This mental disorder is characterized by periodic remissions. They manifest themselves in emotional disruptions and in changes in personal qualities. A person often closes in himself, becomes passive or even pedantic.

The appearance of remission depends on whether the treatment was started on time and at what stage the deviation was detected. Affects the effectiveness and age of the patient.

The main secret of success is a timely appeal to psychologists. In the Korsakov Clinic, if necessary, they will perform a comprehensive diagnosis and prescribe the necessary course of treatment to restore the functioning of the human nervous system.

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